In a recent blog post, we discussed symbiotic relationships (interactions between two different species i.e., a spider building a web on a tree), and the similarities between this scientific occurrence and the balance occurring in the employer / employee relationship. In business, when employees and employers take personal and corporate responsibility for their words, decisions, actions and behaviors, the combined relationship works and can accomplish so much! It’s the My career is my responsibility approach (#myCmyR).
In today’s workplace, however, employee attitudes trend the opposite. Often employees are perceived as having an attitude of entitlement:
It’s not my fault. My manager didn’t tell me…
I’m not doing that. It’s not my job.
This company…they don’t appreciate anything I do.
My career is my responsibility leaves no room for the victim mentality. When we own our career, we embrace the power to make it what we want it to be.
- It’s more than a catch phrase. Personal adoption of the My career is my responsibility approach causes an individual to take ownership. Mentors encourage “professionalism.” The My career… mantra takes that idea a step further. Our attitude, tone, demeanor, appearance / presentation, our work product, our work ethic, everything we say and do reflects our personal philosophy.
- If you’re in, be ALL IN. Employees cannot be a bystander of their own career. Employees are not victims! My career is my responsibility is not a situational philosophy that can be picked up and put back down based on feelings and emotions. Employees are encouraged to take a holistic view of their situation. As examples, ask questions when expectations aren’t clear. Seek out, and take advantage of, training and educational opportunities. Help others who are struggling. Offer potential solutions vs. adding to the snowball effect of negative talk.
- Do what you say you’re going to do. Trust is a two-way street. As employees, we expect, even demand, trust and transparency from Leadership, but do we give the same in return? Put yourself in the shoes of your Leader. Have you ever committed to a goal or project and then didn’t follow through? What about meeting deadlines? Have you proven yourself worthy of your Leader’s trust? It’s important to do what you say you are going to do…always!
Regardless of circumstance, it’s important to own your career by committing to personal responsibility, accountability, and excellence. How do you personalize the My career is my responsibility approach?